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Krushikendra.com provides wide range of agro chemical Pesticides Online for agriculture.here you can buy online pesticides at lowest Price.Pesticides are used to maintain healthy plants and to increase yield, many people use it to control weeds, insects, and plant diseases.it includes insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, natural , weedicides, rodenticide
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Actrax - Thiamethoxam 25% WGThiamethoxam 25% WG. It is a broad spectrum systemic insecticides w..
Admire contains Imidacloprid, one of the world's best selling insecticides. It is a systemic insecti..
Advance-Chloropyriphos 50%+Cypermethrin 5%We are engaged in offering excellent quality Advance (Chlo..
Mixture of contact & systemic insecticide, Dosage – 80 ml per acre, Thiamethoxam (12.6%) + Lambd..
Alphasulphan-Chloropyriphos 16% + Alphamethrin 1% ECWe are engaged in offering excellent quality Alp..
Broadest spectrum Strobilurin with an excellent environmental file, optimizing yield and quality in ..
Aliette Fosetyl Al 80% WPAliette is a systemic fungicide effective against Oomcytes fungi like downy..
Antracol contains Propineb, a contact fungicide with broad spectrum activity against various disease..
Confidor Super Imidacloprid 350 SC (30.5% w/w) InsecticideConfidor Super combines the proven propert..
Ethrel is a versatile plant growth regulator which improves colouration and accelerates uniform ripe..
Blast Off -Tricyclozole 75%WP : FungicidesBeing a quality centric organization, we are ..
Chota bheem absorbed through the plant tissues thereby influencing thephysiological systemic pr..
Combisafe ( Carbendazim 12 % + Mancozeb 63 % wp ) : FungicideOur offered Combisafe is a wettable pow..
Confidor Imidacloprid 17.8 % InsecticideConfidor Imidacloprid 17.8 % Insecticide belongs to che..
Conimida-Imidacloprid 17.8%SL : Insecticide We are engaged in offering excellent quality Conimi..
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